16 October 2006

little quickie

just a quick update today. my apologies for the extended absence, but i have had a hellacious last couple of months. lots of changes at work have kept me very busy, plus what with the plans for getting married this saturday & all. FYI, don't ever let anyone lie to you: attempting to plan a wee little wedding can get just a stressful as planning a big one. at least with a big one, you can just throw a hunka cash at a wedding planner and make them do the legwork. oi vey. the wedding industry is a racket, and i will have no part of their nefarious plans to punish anyone considering betrothment with years worth of debt. where else can you expect a cake that would normally cost $100 to suddenly cost $300, and that's WITH the free top layer as a "gift" to the couple. yeah, some gift. how about a $200 discount...now THAT's a gift! =]

anyway, i digress. the point is, i've been busy, y'all. (did i mention that i'm making my dress, or that i just started it last night? clearly i'm insane) and that means not much time for knitting and definitely no time for blogging, though i've been happily reading everyone elses. i did manage to finish one project that was neither for me nor from my stash. i took a picture of it, like to see it? here it is:

the conwy sock by nancy bush, from knitting on the road

knit with one skein of lorna's laces shepherd sock in "irving park." and i say one skein loosely, because this thing has a 9 inch leg and lots of ease, and i STILL had at least a quarter of a skein left over.

close-up of the twining stitch pattern

the best thing about this sock? it's a sample for dunwoody yarn, so i only had to knit one. no SSS! yay! it's also my very first actually finished sock, so i am very proud of it. i have started a huge number of socks, but never made it all the way to completion for a number of reasons, the biggest being that the cuffs were always too tight. i started this baby with a german twisted cast-on for elasticity and i adore it! now to just work through the 12-more-pairs-worth of other sock yarn i have...yikes!

so that's it for today. i still have a couple finished objects that i never got around to sharing, and i promise there will be a return to more regular bloggings post-honeymoon. we're taking a road trip along the gulf coast next week, planning to make it as far as we can (possibly even to texas) before we turn around and head back home. FUN! =] later taters!


Leah said...

Congrats again!! I can totally relate to the small things turning big when it's wedding related! Ours was small by most standards & very DIY (although I bought my dress).

Good luck getting it all done! I'm sure you will do it & the day will be amazing!

pretendingsanity said...

a very nice sock indeed. :) We did our wedding for really cheap too and it was still quite nice

knitlit kate said...

dear amp...kate from knitlit here...congratulations! you are the winner of my little guess-the-matisse contest! to claim your prize (a lovely skein of artyarn!) i just need your snailmail so i can send it to you. just click over to my blog and in the sidebar, there's a link so you can email it to me.

also, congrats on your recent marriage!

Angela Catirina said...

LOVE the sock! WELL DONE!

We have a fun new knitting web site - thought you might like to visit sometime:


Happy Thanksgiving!
Angela Catirina & Bonnie