30 August 2006

for seriously!

no really! my apologies for the lack of teh blogging lately. every time i think i'm going to have time to take photos of my recent FO's & WIP's, reality interrupts. rest assured knitting, stash-busting and a wee bit of stash-enhancing is still occuring on a regular basis. when it comes to make a decision between knitting or blogging, knitting wins every time! =]

whoah, i got all for serious down there on that last post for a minute. guess what? no one else is actually talking about it or even really cares. who knew?!

lastly (for this post anyway), a couple weeks ago, julie of dunwoody yarn and i had the pleasure of driving out to gilliland's heritage alpacas in hoschton, georgia to visit and learn a little more about alpacas and fiber farming. omGOSH we had so much fun!! angela and jim were so very gracious and seemed to really enjoy having visitors that they could lure into the wonderful realm of alpaca farming. we met all of the alpacas, and also met their new llama, who they were working with since she had gone down due to heat stroke a week earlier. we watched them put her into a sling that rasies her up, helping her stand up for the necessary 8 hours a day. you could tell that these guys really love their animals. and if you think alpaca fiber is soft in yarn, you should pet an alpaca! SO! SOFT! they are also very shy and prefer to approach you, so after trying and failing to approach them slowly enough to let us pet them, we turned our backs to them so that we could chat more with angie about their traits and all the things that go into the business. every time we would look back behind us, they'd be sneaking up on us, trying to nibble on our clothes or catch a whiff. it was so cute! before we left for the day, angela took us to her office where she showed us the yarn she had spun from her flock. i picked up a ball of 210 yds of fingering weight that had a bit of blue-grey dye scattered here and there on an otherwise natural cream color, and a skein of worted natural cream. both of them are destined to become the softest hats on the planet.

more soon, with photos....no, really!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Glad to know the alpaca farm was fun! I read about it in the paper ages ago & had forgottone about it til this post.

Can't wait for photos!!